“Eagles may fly high, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines”
Do you want to fly with the eagles , or rather scratch with the turkeys?
Gobble, gobble!

The Brink of Insanity

The people we surround ourselves with have the greatest effect on our lives. They have so much power to help us be the best version of ourselves or help in demolishing our possible future.

That is why we should be able to choose the circle we keep in our lives. Because they play a vital role on our lives. Whether we see it or not but your circle can either inspire and encourage you or can hold you back.

If your circle doesn’t push you to reach your ultimate goals in life. Add more value to your dreams. Questions your visions of your future and consistently help you to be a better person. Then they aren’t a circle for keeps.

And you my dear are an eagle eating with a brood of useless chickens…

Fly away from such people who bring so much negativity in your life. Rather be alone…

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